Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Moving to new site!

Mutanatianpolitics is now located Here:

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Shawna Davis's first speech

Shawna had now been labeled as a racist by the media. Rather than withdraw, as had happened with the CUP, she decided to sidestep it entirely and talk about the Mutant University, which she hated with a passion.

"Folks," She said, her voice strong and confident. "We are a nation in a grave crisis. We are wasting too much money on what should be, rather than what is." Many nods from the group. "What we have is a university beyond repair. Yes, it has a strength in religion--but that is not enough for Mutanatia to be competitive educationally." A few amens from the audience. "Yet we keep throwing good money after bad, trying to keep it afloat. The Mutant University is not going to stay afloat, at least not in the current condition it is is." Many nods and polite clapping.

"That is why, on day one, I will sign an executive order that stops funding for the Mutant University." Massive applause. "Kids who are still in the Mutant University will be able to graduate as planned, but no one new will be accepted." Many nods of agreement.

"The religion program is a 6-year program. At the conclusion of 6 years, the Mutant University will be closed by an executive, then a binding Senatorial, order." The crowd burst into applause.

"After that, the university will undergo a massive restructuring and with guidance from the private sector, will emerge via executive order 4 years after that!" Deafening applause. The citizens wanted to be reminded that they could still have a university!

"Folks, we are in a stark time. But, following my 10-year plan, the Mutanatia of old will reemerge! Thank you!" The crowd burst into applause as she left the stage.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Brad Watkins's First Speech

Brad Watkins took the stand. It had been a very long time before he had won the party's nomination, and, to add insult to injury, the only Progressivist candidate that was chosen last year was John Hopkins, who, quite frankly, shouldn't have won in his opinion. He had been elected twice, and the country was falling apart because the education system had not been maintained.

Brad Watkins delivered his speech without teleprompter and scant notes at the podium. He took a deep breath and began, "Friends, I am here to tell you about the miserable state of the country." The audience paused. That line had gotten their attention, like he hoped it would. "And our three Presidents have done nothing but make it worse. And it all starts with education. Most of our children who have graduated can barely read at a 4th-grade level." The audience murmured in assent. "Our media writes at a kindergarten level! The other day, the media defended religious education because, and I quote, 'God is awesome.'" He made a "duh" face, making some in the audience laugh. "Or how about this one? 'Scientists debate if two plus two equals four.'" He looked carefully at the audience as he scanned them. "That is the smartest they can write for some of us to understand. Folks, we can--and will--do better. I propose gutting the primary and secondary education system, and then rebuilding it. Our education system has been dubbed 'essential.' But it's not because it is essential; it's because all it teaches ARE the essentials!" Applause broke out.

The crowd eventually quieted down and Mr. Watkins continued his speech. "This change won't happen overnight; rather, it's a ten-year plan. Only by going slowly can we fix the education system. If we rush it, we run the risk of screwing the education system up further." He paused. "This is what I propose: gone will be the 3-hour school day. It will be replaced by a 5-hour, 7-day school day. More emphasis will be paid in the areas of economics, politics, math, and science...and that's just naming a few." There were several nods of approval. "Once we get that going, we can worry about the time at which school begins. Studies suggest that kids can't learning early in the morning!" Applause broke out. "I can't, I know that." He chuckled, and the audience laughed with him. "Instead, classes will start at 9 and end at 2. The final step is to remove the burden of parenthood from the equation." Applause rang out. "I suggest that we create a care-taking agency so parents don't have to worry about being home for their kids until their workday is over!" Applause began to rise.

"The time is now! The future of your kids is at stake! This is our time! Let's let children learn and succeed! They are our future! Thank you! And may the Flying Spaghetti Monster be with you!" The crowd laughed at the last bit.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

First United Progressivist Front Debate

Moderator: Hello and welcome to the first of two debates of the United Progressivists Front's party. Joining me, to my right and going in that direction, is last year's nominee, Brad Watkins. Next is a 2-term Senator, Shawna Davis. After that is a 1-term senator, Warren Portal. Finally, we have our newest debater, a 6-month Senator, Jantis Bond. Welcome to all. We have 3 topics to cover: Education, Religion, and Laws. We'll begin with laws first. What law would you change and why?

Brad Watkins (BW): I would stop media from trying to influence our legal system. Trial by media doesn't deserve a place in our society.

Jantis Bond (JB): Well, that would run afoul of the Constitution.

BW: When something denigrates society, we must change it!

Shawna Davis (SD): I would outlaw mantis blood donation. [Gasps]

JB: Speaking as a mantis-hman hybrid who would not be here today should such a program not exist, that idea has no merit.


Warren Portal: I would outlaw religion.

JB: I would outlaw the inertia in the Senate. Either change the law so a bill can be killed easier, or limit the type of proposals we can make! [Applause]

Moderator: Next question: Should we outlaw religion?

BW: Yes.

SD: Yes.

WP: Yes.

JB: No. [Gasps] By making more public the evils of religion...religion will die out on its own accord!

Moderator: Final question: How should we overhaul the education system?

BW: Kill the religious programs.


SD: Shut down the Mutant University. It is beyond repair and saving.

WP: Privatize secondary and elementary education!

JB: No, No, No! I advocate an entire overhaul of both private and public education. Keep what works and get rid of what doesn't!

Moderator: This concludes our first UPF debate!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

YOU can determine the CUP's fate!

YOU, the reader, can determine the CUP's fate. In this post, please leave a comment about who you would want to win the primary of the CUP and why! You will have until the end of the Progressivists' primary to cast a vote. 

Tamara Wolson's Final Speech

A very confident Tamara Wolson took the stage, her voice belting out each word in her District C brogue.

"I'd like to talk to you about the future of our education. Friends, like it or not, education secures your children's and your children's children's future." She paused, listening for the  polite applause to settle down. "The public education system is a mess! There is too much government involvement in public education!" More polite applause. "My solution is to take government out of the public education system completely, other than using it to standardize educational curriculum." She paused, again, listening to the applause, this time more raucous. "The Mutant University is a MESS!" She said, gripping her hair to laughter. "There is, however well-intentioned, much too much government involvement with the University!" Applause again, louder than before. "The only thing the government will do in a Tamara Wolson presidency is recruit teachers of new courses and new majors!" Thunderous applause. "These are the simple solutions that we must make to ensure our offspring's future!" A loud burst of applause, riding in intensity, exactly as Wolson had planned. "The future is bright! Stick with me and we will go far! We will take education back from the abysmal failure it threatens to be, and Mutanatia's future will rise again! Thank you!"

Monday, July 15, 2013

Ron Howling's Speech

Ron Howling took the stand next, and he read from a teleprompter. It was also approved by him, unlike the tales he had heard of many politicians whose speeches were not approved up until they read them, then had to back away from it as fast as possible. The speech was short and to the point. He hoped that the brevity would convey his seriousness.

"I'd like to echo Tabbatha Smith's sentiment. I believe that if you are religious, be tolerant. It is that simple. You should not resent people's differences; rather, you should marvel in the variety and splendor that our God created in each of our citizens!" The crowd applauded.

"I'd like to end this speech by talking about religious outreach. I believe every President, regardless of party, should reach out to to various religions. This position will dialog with religious leaders so we can further understand their beliefs. However, and make no mistake about it: Any expression of intolerance will NOT be tolerated by my administration!" The crowd rose to their feet. "Thank you! And God Bless!"

Tabbatha Smith's final speech

It was time for Tabbatha Smith's final speech. She was, as promised, going on without any staff. She had written her speech herself and she hoped it wasn't lackluster.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the CUP," She started, her voice a bit wobbly, before she gained her confidence. "I come to you with three things as reminders of why you should vote for me."

She paused, then, "The first is my record. My record is plain for all to see: I have preserved religious freedom. I have preserved the display of our Ten Commandments in federal buildings. I have preserved the swearing-in of politicians on the Bible." The crowd applauded and Ms. Smith beamed before continuing. "I had shown that those wishing to destroy our religious liberties cannot--and will not--be successful." Another wave of applause.

"The second thing is the vow. Of the four years I took the vow, only one large lie has been perpetrated by me: the lies in the debate and my first speech. As you are aware, I fired my staff, which was urging me to lie." A few murmurs of agreement could be heard.

"The final thing I'd like to cover is religion. As you're aware, in my last debate, I said that religion will die out on its own." A few murmurs engulfed the crowd. "But this is where you come in. By acting tolerant, regardless of species, creed, color, or lifestyle. This is the main message of our religion." The crowd erupted in applause and Ms. Smith beamed again. "If we keep going down the path we are already on, the only thing I can do with religion is preserve it. If we get rid of the hate, we can--and should--not only preserve religion, but see it prosper!" The crowd rose to their feet. "Thank you. Good night! And God Bless the CUP and Mutanatia!"

Tamara Wolson's Interview

Finally, it was Tamara Wolson's turn. After this, the three candidates would have one last chance to appeal to the primary voters. The moderator dusted off his coat, the music played and way they went.

"Hello," said the moderator. "And welcome to the last edition of the Conservative United Party's version of Mutanatia Talks Politics. Joining me now is Tamara Wolson, a 3-month senator. Hello, Ms. Wolson."

Wolson looked chagrined. Hadn't her staff agreed not to bring up her experience? "Hi." She said, trying to sound confident. The quaver in her voice told her otherwise.

"Well start with the question that is on everybody's mind: educational reform." He said. "How is the Mutant University going to become a university of repute again?"

Tamara Wolson swallowed, perhaps too audibly. "Very simply, it is going to need to attract other majors and professors."

"And how do you plan to do this?"

"There will be a nationwide and worldwide recruiting program."

"And this will cost money."

Tamara Wolson raised an eyebrow. "Of course." She said, not sure where this was going.

"And can Mutanatia afford this?" Oh, great, he was a deficit hawk.

"It will have to." She shot back.

"Yet the Mutant University is world renowned for its religious program."

She looked confused. "Religion will only get you so far."

The moderator arched an eyebrow and leaned forward. "How could you say that to your party, a party, that, for as long as I can remember, has championed religious rights?"

Tamara was taken aback. "I meant that in terms of the Mutant University--" She was cut off.

"Yet that's not what you said." He scolded.

"What I meant to say was that religion only gets you so far as a career. Religion, as much as we'd like to think, is not for everyone."

"So you're saying--" Tamara cut the moderator off and he looked annoyed.

"I'm saying that we need more majors and more professors. If a citizen is to succeed in life, they must figure out what they're good at, be it directed by God or otherwise. More majors, better classes...these will all shape our nation's future and give our children a secure one."

"Thank you very much." The moderator said, curtly.

"You are quite welcome." She responded in kind

"You are damn lucky that I didn't bite your head off." The moderator said once they went off air. "Nobody interrupts me like that when I'm speaking, nobody!"

"Well, then," Tamara Wolson said curtly. "If I become President and you cut me or any other of the candidates off like that, AND give them a shorter interview than the others, I will come breathing down your neck so hard--"

"And if you don't win," The moderator said flatly. "If you run again, the next time we are on the air, the interview will be even shorter."

Tamara huffed and walked out.

Ron Howling's interview

Ron Howling arrived early, much to the praise of the moderator. The moderator was, unabashedly, a big Howling fan. They chatted for a while, and then the countdown began. The music of the show, Mutanatia Talks Politics, was heard, and away they went.

"Hello and welcome to Mutanatia Talks Politics," said the moderator. "Joining me today is Ron Howling."

"Hello," said a very confident and comfortable Ron Howling.

"Let's get down to business. Recently, you decided to echo Tabbatha Smith's pledge and backed away from this statement:"

A clip was shown of him saying that there was a Progressivist agenda in the education system.

"Is there anything else you'd like to add" The moderator said.

"Yes. Fear sells," Ron Howling said, choosing his words carefully. "And it had me up in the polls. However, I lied to the Mutant public, and for that I am sorry."

"Do you think this will help in the polls as well?" Asked the moderator.

"It may, but that is not my intention," Howling said.

"Do you agree that the Mutant University needs to be reformed?" Came the question.

"I do."

"But do you see where your model of privatization could go wrong?"

"Yes; however, the state will still cover the cost of education for the poor."

"But that's not the Mutant University?"

"It is. Both the Mutant University and the public school system."

"Last question," Said the moderator. "What will a Ron Howling presidency look like?"

"Conservative," Howling said definitively. "But always willing to compromise."

"Thank you." Said the moderator.

"You are welcome." Said Ron Howling.

"You were right," Mr. Howling told his advisors on the way home. "This was a cakewalk."

Friday, June 21, 2013

Tabatha Smith's Interview

Tabbatha Smith took a dee breath as she entered the spacious studio. The amount of TV monitors in the room were overwhelming, and she knew that every single Mutant citizen was watching her. She would have to be careful about what she said. The moderator got ready and the theme music of the show began. The moderator of the show was known for gotcha questions; however, she liked to think she brought her "A" game.

"Hello," the moderator said, "And welcome to Mutanatia Talks Politics. Today, in the studio, we have Ms. Tabbatha Smith, the sitting CUP President. Hello and welcome."

"Good evening." Tabbatha said simply.

"Let's get down to business." And here came the gotchas. Tabbatha Smith cleared her throat and drank some water. "In the most recent debate, you said this--"

A clip on the monitor before here showed the clip of her saying she had lied during the campaign.

"Now," he said. "You have taken the vow 5 times, and you expect us to believe you only lied once?"

"Well," said the President, taking a deep breath and pondering her words. "No. But I have lied up to that point in this election."

"When did you tell the truth then?" The question, though it could be construed as malicious, was asked in a friendly way.

"When I ran for office," she said shakily. "I swore to preserve religion. And I did just that. I have gotten the 10 Commandments displayed in federal buildings and authorized a 24/7 speed prayer church. If this is not proof of me living up to my vow and telling the truth, I don't know what is."

The moderator nodded, then continued. "You stated, in your first debate, this--"

A clip of her saying that there was a Progressivist agenda in the education system was shown.

"But then, in your last debate, you said this--"

A tape was shown of her saying that there was no agenda. "Which is it, Ms. Smith?" He seemed genuinely curious yet again.

"It's the second."

"Then why go out there and stoke anger and/or fear?"

A brief bit of anger flashed in her eyes as Ms. Smith responded. "My campaign staff told me it would sell."

"And did it?"

"For a time, yes."

"And is this the campaign staff you've always had?"

"No; it's a new consulting firm."

The moderator leaned towards her now and spoke firmly and demandingly. "Is there a Progressivist agenda in our education system?"

"No." She said back, a tad bit aggressive and defiant.

"Is that a lie?" The moderator was going to impress this point on the public; it seemed like he had a grudge.

"It is the truth." She said, leaning back in her chair.

"You started this last debate--"

A clip ran of her saying that religion will die of its own accords was aired.

"--and stated that we all show--those that practice it--the power of religion--through words and actions."

"We do..." She said, not sure where this was going.

"Then why are there so many negative views on religion?" The moderator sounded frustrated.

"Because people only say what they're taught, and they don't say and express the beauty of religion, which is to treat others and you would like to be treated." She said, then mentally winced.

"Would you like to be lied to?" The moderator said. Tabbatha Smith had fallen right into his trap.

Anger flashed in the President's eyes. "That's not a fair question." She said flatly.

"Sure it is," the moderator barked at her. "You lied to us. Would you like others to lie to you?" The moderator was beating a dead horse at this point.

"Well, no." Tabbatha Smith said weakly.

"Last question," the moderator said. "In your first debate, you state this--

A clip rolled of her saying that only 23% of the electorate believed in religion.

"Yet," the moderator said. "According to our own polling, the number is closer to 45%. Did you lie?"

A smile began to slowly creep across the President's face. "My staff lied to me and told me that was a real number."

"So you lied to us...why are you smiling?" The moderator asked, sounding nervous.

If there was ever an opportunity to level with the Mutant public, now was the time. She saw her opportunity and she took it. "Effective immediately, I am dismissing my campaign staff. If they are going to lie to my face, then they should not be my staff any more."

The moderator's eyes widened. For the first time in his life, the show had actually made news. "Do you accept our numbers as being closer to the truth?"

"Yes." She said.

"Is there anything else you've said that is a lie."

"To the best of my knowledge, no."

The moderator heaved a sigh of relief. "We're done here, good night everyone." He extended her hand to Tabbatha Smith. "It's been a pleasure."

"Same to you."
A few advisors approached her after the show, asking her if she meant what she said. The President said yes and told them they had 24 hours to pack and move out of the Presidential Townhouse.

(Wondering where phrases such as "beating a horse" came from? Idiomation, run by Elyse Bruce, is just the ticket for you! http://idiomation.wordpress.com)

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Second (And Final) CUP debate

"Hello and welcome," the moderator from MNN began. "To our second and final debate. We have only three questions. Let's get started, Ms. President, starting with you and going to Ron Howling, then Tamara Wolson, you were recently endorsed by Rob Volker. Ms Smith, do you reject this this? For the rest of you, would you accept the endorsement if given to you?"

"Yes I do reject it," Tabbatha Smith began. "Rob is nothing but a racist; even the concept of mantis-humans seems repulsive to him. So yes, I do reject the endorsement."

Ron Howling spoke next. "I would not accept it either. The object of the election is to move forward, not backward. Clearly, this is an endorsement not worth having."

Tamara Wolson was next. "I would accept it," She said to gasps, "If he had enough of a following."

"Really?" Said Tabbatha, incredulously. "After the ignorant comments he made?"

"If enough people deemed I accept it, then I would." A hush fell over the crowd.

"Next question," said the moderator. "Tamara Wolson, you said the University needs to expand. How would you plan to do this? This question holds true for the other candidates as well."

"Well," Ms. Wolson began. "Not at the taxpayer's expense, that's for sure!" The crowd erupted into applause. "The government would hand over all payroll and profits in exchange for their being an active recruitment of professors across all majors."

Tabbatha Smith spoke next. "Yes, I agree, but I would go further and privatize the education system." She said to gasps. "Education is something that our government simply doesn't do very well. The schools would become owned under a statute that states they must be allowed anyone to be a student." The crowd once more applauded.

Ron Howling looked perplexed and thoughtful at the same time. "Whatever the solution," He said. "I think less government in the education system is the answer." The crowd again applauded.

The moderator waited for the crowd to quiet down and then spoke again. "Finally, Tabbatha Smith, you took a vow to tell the truth for a whole year, as you did the past 4 years. Have you lived up to it? For the rest of you, would you take such a vow?"

Tabbatha Smith gulped, and looked backstage. Her advisors were nodding "yes," but in her heart, she felt otherwise. "Yes," She heard herself saying to her regret. But then, she caught herself. "Yes, I will take the vow again. And no, I have not stuck to it." Her advisors facepalmed and looked incredibly angry. One even screamed silently. "There is no Progressivist agenda in the education system. If religion is going to go extinct, it will do so of its own accord." The crowd began to murmur. A few even booed. "We need to live up to what religion is all about and, as a society, we have not done so." A silence fell over the crowd once more. Thoughtful glances were exchanged.

Sensing an opportunity, Ron Howling spoke next. "I will take the same vow. I and I have to say, I agree." More murmurs from the crowd. "Religion's positives must be shown through thoughts and actions, and not through violence and bigotry." A few "amens" were heard from the crowd as it burst into applause. "This is truly how religion will survive, and how it will perish if Progressivists pass their political agenda. There is no Progressivist agenda that seeks to do this through education, however."

Tamara Wolson spoke next. "I will not take the vow."

Ron Howling looked incredulously at her. "Then how will we know we can trust you?" There were many nods of understanding and agreement from the audience.

"I will not take or make pledges that I cannot uphold. Don't let them fool you; politics is all about lying." Wolson said defiantly.

Tabbath Smith sensed her opportunity now. "Wrong!" She exclaimed, and rather angrily. "It is all about intentions and understanding. You may truly believe in something--after all, that is why the three of us are here--but getting it done is another matter entirely. Speak your mind, tell us how it is, but do not lie to us about your intentions." The crowd again erupted into applause.

"Thank you and good night," Said the moderator as the crowd's applause rose in a crescendo.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Rob Volker's Resignation

The  "dominion over all species" remark had hurt Rob Volker big. His advisors told him to resign from the race, and that was exactly what he did. But before he left, he had one last surprise. He was going to make his speech, anyway. With a sad look on his face, he began.

"Friends, citizens, members of the CUP, effectively immediately, I ask the chair of the CUP to suspend my license to campaign as a CUP member and hereby also suspend my campaign." There were no boos, no jeers, just a standing ovation for Mr. Volker. He chuckled ruefully, then continued. "THough I would love to continue to campaign, 99% of you, according to our own internal polls, wish me to suspend my campaign. And when a voice speaks out as one, the candidate should listen. And so I shall. Before I withdraw from the race, let me address two key issues." He looked down at his notes and continued.

Gesturing to the four mantises sitting on the side, he said, "One is that I am not, and never shall be, a racist. I meant no offense to my fellow mantis-citizens," an unfortunate phrase that would draw ire from the media tomorrow since he was differentiating species after all, "and apologize from the bottom of my heart. As proof, I wish two things. The first is continue our mantis blood drive in city 4, the city that I am mayor of, and increase pay to the donors from one buffalo skin, to 2." Mantises lived and thrived on the barter system, and a buffalo skin was the most prized possession they could have. He smiled at them, then continued, "The second is to continue to research with both mantises and humans to find the cause of mantis blood transplantation causing the occurrence of mantis-human hybrids." Mantis blood, as everyone knows, could cure any disease, from lung cancer, to AIDS, and so on, but...it had a nasty side effect: the recipient gained antennae and mandibles. Scientists had been working for decades to limit this, but had not succeeded.

He smirked a bit then continued, "The second issue that I'd like to address is my endorsement." There was an audible gasp from the audience. Whomever he endorsed, the name of Rob Volker would be attached to them for the rest of the campaign. If he wanted to destroy someone's candidacy, now would be the chance. "Keeping in mind her fight to preserve religious liberties, I hereby endorse Tabbatha Smith. Thank you, and God bless." With that, he walked off the stage with a cocky look on his face.

That night, Rob Volker received an angry phone call from Ms. Smith's advisors, urging him to back away from the endorsement. He did not, and the endorsement would remain on her head.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Tamara Wolson's first speech

It was now Tamara Wolson's turn to speak. Widely acknowledges by her advisors- and to her face no less!- this speech was more of a trial for the Conservatives Allied Commission, or CAC, the CUP Jr. of Mutanatia. This Commission chose the second candidate to run for office. Right now though, this was Wolson's turn to tell the story of what she thought about the education system. As she was introduced, he legs wobbled a bit. Her voice wavered slightly as she began, but soon she was sounding as confident as she was before she was introduced. She was going to prove her advisors and the media wrong...she was determined to get the nomination.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the state of our party is strong!" She began wIth the useless platitude of old before beginning her speech. The cheers finally died out, and the a smile appeared on her face. "But our education system is floundering. By a show of hands, how many people here have their children enrolled in the University of Mutanatia?" The University was allegedly the grandest thing in the nation, but Wolson knew better. Only 5 people raised their hands. "Of you 5, how many of your children chose it as the first school of choice?" All of the hands went down. "And of the 5, how many of you have realistic expectations that your child may, after graduation, be gainfully employed?" Again, no hands.

"The University of Mutanatia, our country's finest school, must be overhauled. As a government official, I shall make sure that the university focuses less on religion and more on the liberal arts, manufacturing, and business." Dead silence. What is the matter with people? She thought. A look of irritation flitted across her face. "The University will focus on these degrees because that is where the jobs are at. Very few people will find the premiere degree it offers, Religious Studies, to be useful. Not everyone wants to become a priest." Again, dead silence. Damn people, she thought, Here I am pledging to secure their children's future, and they don't bat an eye? The heck is wrong with the CUP?  A brief look of frustration crossed her face, her skin beginning to turn a little red with anger.

"Your child's future will be secure if we do it this way. Why spend less time on religion? Because not very many jobs can be held with a religious degree. Further, our education system must come roaring back if our children and our children's children are to have a future." She sweat she could hear crickets chirp. She began to say something more, then threw her papers to the side.

"You know what? How in the world is this party going to survive while living in the past? We should be the party of a secure future, of a bright future, of our future." Applause rang out. Now we're cooking. She was actually saying this without a speech and it was sounding much better and getting better results. 

"That is why I propose adding many degrees to the University, to think forward, not backwards, to update our future, to have our educational system catch up with the rest of the world. That is why I propose the changes to the university. Not because we want to, but because we need to. Because this is Mutanatia's time to shine." The applause was deafening now. "This is the true test of fate, and this is why we must rise to the occasion. We must take the bull by the horns! Thank you very much and God bless!"

Tamara Wolson made headlines the following day when she fired her speechwriter and elected to go without one.


Friday, June 7, 2013

Speech: Ron Howling

The following night, Ron Howling gave his speech at the convention. It was a rally cry, and Ron Howling was just the man to do it. His speechwriters had given him an earlier speech that he had said, but it didn't work. So, instead, he authored his own speech. He walked up to the podium after he was introduced, and took a deep breath.

"Friends," He began in a solemn voice, believing every line of what he wrote sincerely, though there were some obfuscations. "I come bearing bad news. The state of our party is not strong; it is weak." Here was the ultimate truth, something that a politician had not dared to speak before. There were audible gasps in the room. "Religion is under attack." Another collective gasp. Ron Howling's speeches were known for shocking people at first, and this was no exception. "The very things that we hold near and dear to our hearts are being destroyed before our very eyes." He paused, a sincere smile on his face. "Before I continue, let me make one thing absolutely clear: Progressivists are not evil; they are simply misguided." A few "amens" could be heard in the crowd. Ron Howling was beginning his speech in the typical way: the country was on the wrong track, but those guiding it currently were not evil.

He paused and took a drink of water before continuing. "According to a recent poll, only 23% of our citizens believe in any religion at all." Another collective gasp. A gleam appeared in Ron Howling's eyes: he liked shocking his audience. "I say this because it's a drastic change in our society's moral fabric. My kids have come home from school telling m that religion is evil because of organization that started the Holy Wars so many years ago." He paused, letting those words sink in. The Holy Wars were started by a radical Christian element of their society who wished to establish a state religion and kill those who did not follow theirs. Many an arson was started during this war, which was ended, thankfully, when the CUP took up the cause of an official religion peacefully and the Holy Wars ended when the organization's leaders were arrested.

A gleam appeared in his eyes now. "There is a Progressivist agenda in our education system." Many acknowledging nods and murmurs of agreement were seen and heard. "So little time is given to the K'vin and how they advanced the cause of Giant Mantises. More and more time is spent on the religious affiliation of those who attack us at home and abroad."

"The answer is simple: I propose that for every 'evil' mentioned about religion, one 'good' must be mentioned about religion in our education system. This will destroy the Progressivist illusion that all religions are evil." Applause erupted.

When the crowd settled down, he continued. "And then there is healthcare. Friends, in Biblical times, were those from other countries and ethnicities given medical treatment? Of course not; in fact, they were shunned. I propose we do the same: if a non-citizen does not have BASIC healthcare, no treatment will be given to them!" He said the last bit in a snarly voice, his voice rising. "Costs will go down and healthcare will rise again!" The crowd applauded.

The gleam in his eyes got ever-brighter. "The time to destroy the Progressivist agenda is now! It is time to take back our country! It is time to turn our godless nation into a God-fearing one!" The crowd continued to applaud, and he nearly snarled each and every one of those words. "It is time to take back our healthcare system! The time is now; the place is here!" Ron Howling's voice grew more powerful. To him, politics was bloodsport; and he smelt the blood clearly now. "No longer will our values be shunned! Mutanatia will rise again! Thank you!" At the end, he let out his trademark howl.

Ron Howling returned backstage. "Well done, sir." Said one of his advisors. "Are you sure you even need a speechwriter?"

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Tabbatha Smith's First Speech

In accordance with election laws, each candidate could have two speeches televised. Ms. Smith knew that she could not afford to screw this one up. Her polling numbers, which had her up at 75% approval amongst primary voters, had dropped to 33% following her abysmal, by all standards, debate performance. Ron Howling, in the meantime, who had been polling at about 15%, jumped into the lead, now at 53% approval.

She perused the speech that her campaign director and speechwriter had collaborated on and paused. Her staff wanted her to have an "us vs. them" mentality, something that had not been characteristic of her 4 election runs prior. Of course, President Mantis, longtime traditionalist and founding member of their great nation, had set the record with 15 years, and could have won a 16th, had she not stepped aside. She often longed to be on the same level as the "Great Founding One," as she admirably called President Mantis. 5 years was one-third of what the Great Founding One had served for, and it was a record in the modern day. No CUP leader had even gone for more than a year before either being primaried out or being forced to run as a CAC member (often called CUP Jr. derisively) as a alternative choice to the winner.

But this speech was extraordinary. It would be a defense of her administration first and foremost--something that she'd never had to do before. It would also set an agenda--something that she was very good at doing. She noticed she'd have to dial back on the statement she had made about jail time for immigrants receiving healthcare.

Good, she thought. The slogan of her campaign from the other 4 years was still there. She paused again, looking through it again. The educational reform could have been toned down, but, she reasoned, go all out or go home.

Finally, she recalled what her campaign manager had said to her the day before the speech was ready. "This is the year of the K'vin," He had stated matter-of-factly. "They've filled out the 404(c) forms, and they're going to become a party for the next 4 years. They have a charismatic young leader by the name of Shade. This is going to be a tough outcome. I don't think the CUP will win the Presidency." Oh? She had asked. Then why fight? "Because there's an outside chance that you will win." "What's the best case scenario then?" Best case scenario is we have one Conservative President instead of 2, one Traditionalist, and one K'vin. But we lose 2 seats in the Senate to K'vin." And the worst? "There's a Progressivist President, one Traditionalist, and one K'vin. And we lose 5 seats in the Senate to K'vin and Progressivists. Our party is going downhill, and the Mutant public knows it. We need to get back in it. And you, not Mr. Howling, should be leading the charge."

With that thought in mind, Ms. Smith arrived at the Convention hall, waited for her introduction, and began her speech. She read flawlessly, as if she had done this sort of speech many times. The inflection was just right, the passion and emotion were also just right. She was a practiced speaker, but had never done a speech of this magnitude.

"Friends, members of the CUP, our party is stronger than ever." The crowd applauded, but she knew this was a blatant lie and made her feel ugly on the inside. "In fact, the bipartisan bill passed and signed to law that allowed for the display of the 10 commands in all federal buildings has struck a dagger in the Progressivists' hearts." Applause again, but again it was a blatant lie: polls showed that Progressives enjoyed a 4:1 margin in approval of party according to polls. "But the battle is far from over." Oh boy, She thought, Here comes the lying.

"So many times, our children have come home to speak of the 'evils' of religions we hold near and dear to our hearts." It was a half-truth, half-lie. Her children certainly hadn't, but she had heard horror stories from others. She often attributed that to bad parenting, not education. "There has been many a time when we wished we could show them the light. But the fact of the matter is, there is a progressivist agenda in our education system." Nods and looks of approval greeted her, but she felt a knot forming in her stomach as she dissembled further. "IF equal time is not spent on the joys of every religion--the K'vin and the environmental protection laws, for instance--how is religion to survive?" She felt more and more uncomfortable as she realized that her campaign manager had designed religion to be the forefront of her campaign, something that completely missed the point of what she was about. The crowd nonetheless applauded. "If the Christian theology of 'turn the other cheek' is not taught, we will have a nation at war with itself." She groaned inwardly. Such hyperbole was unbecoming of her. The crowd stood on their feet and applauded before sitting down so she could continue.

"And then there is the matter of healthcare. Immigrants have been freeloading on our system for too long!" This she did truly believe. "As such, when I am re-elected, I pledge to make it a law that every immigrant must have basic coverage for health." She changed the words around slightly; it sounded awkward the way her speechwriter had written it. "Or we will not treat them in our hospitals; nor shall our doctors see them as patients!" The crowd applauded. Many in the party were anti-immigrant. But this wasn't the Christian way; even she knew this. In fact, this speech was going to give Progressivists ammo when they all debated after the primaries.

"These are the issues of our time." No, it wasn't; the issues of the time were how to get people better educated, more healthy, and enjoying themselves. She may have been giving a great speech, but she hated every inch of this speech. "Do not be brainwashed by the Progressivist agenda." Are we seriously doing this again? I thought my candidacy was above this. In fact, as she read, she was becoming more angry at the writers. She channeled this into an aggressive tone. "We are the future. It is time to bring it...ON!" The crowd said the last word in unison with her. "Thank you and good night!" The crowd applauded as she walked off the stage to exuberant music.

When she reached backstage, the campaign director said, "Well done!" To his horror, she tore the speech in half. Her face was full of rage. "NEVER. EVER. Give me lies to speak to my constituency again." She said and stormed off.

Saturday, June 1, 2013

CUP Debate #1

This was the first debate for the CUP’s primary, covered, as always, by MNN. There were 4 debates by each party; however, due to the time it took for the debates, and the fact that there were only two months allotted for debate, each party was allowed to televise two debates, with the remaining two being divvied up equally as soundbites. 

Moderator: Welcome to the 15th annual CUP primary. Today’s main topic will be education and healthcare. As we look around the table, to the right of me is Tabbatha Smith, the incumbent President. We have Ron Howling to her left, a 6-month Senator. To his left is Tamara Wolson. She is a 3-month Senator. Finally, we have Rob Volker, one of our up-and-coming CUPers. To the first topic, it is noticeable that the CUP does not have education as one of their planks. With that in mind, what is the #1 issue facing our educational system? Ms. President, you’re on. We will proceed to the left.

Tabbatha Smith: Thank you. The biggest problem with have is the way religion is covered. [Applause] The UPF has put quite an anti-religion component in our education system. My solution is simple: give equal time to all religions when teaching our students. 

Ron Howling: Ms. Smith, that sounds simple on the face of things, but it’s quite frankly not possible. [clapping] You see, we can’t possibly cover every topic. If we covered every single religion, then we’d have to start that from kindergarten. A kindergartener can’t be expected to know anything about the religion of K’vin, or why Jesus saved us, and so on. You know that, and I know that. Instead, I advocate giving equal time to religion’s successes and failures. You’ll remember that the Giant Mantises in the forest were not treated as first-class citizens until recently, and that freedom of the press was largely a Christian effort. [applause]

Tamara Wolson: No, no, and no! The solution is simple: we accentuate the bright spots of religion and do away with the negative parts. For instance, was the KKK of the United States of old, evil? Of course. But then there were good religious organizations, too, back then. And let’s not forget that there are religious organizations now that fight intolerance and help the poor in District D. [applause]

Rob Volker: The easiest solution, seems to me, is to remove religion from education altogether [gasps]. The only way to preserve the sanctity of religion is to make sure that a majority of our nation sends their kids to Sunday School [mild clapping].

Moderator: With that, we proceed to our final topic, which is Healthcare. What changes need to be made to our system. Ms. President, you’re on first, and we’ll go to the left again as usual.

TS: Right, well, there are two things that need to be addressed. One of them is that the quality of healthcare must go up, and costs must go down. [Applause] Do you know how much of the cost of healthcare is spent on lawsuits and driven up by unhealthy people? The answer is simple: Bad doctors and, say, obese patients, will have to pay a higher premium. As they get better, and as obese patients lose weight, the premium will go down. And the second problem is because of immigrants who freeload on our system [Applause]. I advocate this: an immigrant coming to our country who does not have money to spend on an operation and does not have insurance will have whatever treatment is necessary, and then will serve out a prison sentence with every 100 mutancents (µ) giving them another month in jail. You cannot expect to freeload on the system without getting a penalty. [Applause]

RH: Ms. President, that could amount to a life sentence in jail! Though I think we can agree that costs need to go down, immigrants would need to pay a 1,000µ fine for every procedure that is done without healthcare. That is the first thing we can introduce. The second thing is that there should be a state fund set up for our citizens that have higher health risk. In this system, we would allow 50,000µ to buy health insurance; however, providing that citizen is relatively healthy and able to work, that must be paid off with 15 years...with interest to boot [applause]!

TW: You’re all wrong. First thing’s first: tort reform. If we lower the amount of money awarded in lawsuits for smaller mistakes, the rest will follow suit. Costs will go down, the system could then absorb the shock that the immigrants give it. The state-fund would not be a fund; rather, it would be a penalty that you incur for having, as a citizen, a free operation done for you when you should have health insurance. Last but not least, we’ll phase immigrants out of the healthcare system entirely. This is because immigrants are not citizens of this country and thus should not have anything but basic care afforded them [Applause]! 

RV: The solution is simple: mantis blood. The Bible says we gain dominion over this land and all its species: if Giant Mantises weren’t meant to serve us, then what species was? [Gasps]

TS: That is an antiquated and racist attitude and you know it. The CUP has long since acknowledged Giant Mantises to be a fully-inclusive part of society. Think about what you say next time; actually, in fact, think 5 times about what you say before you make such an insensitive remark! [Applause]

Moderator: We’d like you to give a reason why you should be given the nomination.

TS: I have the pulse on the CUP. I know exactly what our constituents want and don’t want and it has been shown through the legislation I have proposed--

RH: Wait a minute! Just wait a minute! Do you care to tell us how many proposals you have made in the past year to the Senate?

TS: That would be 17. 16 of the have passed and gone back to us.

RH: Right, and how many of them were then enacted by the Troika?

TS: 1. 

RH: So you’re telling me that--

TS: Wait, then why did you pass the bills?

RH: Because we didn’t have the numbers to end debate on it. To my question: Of all the proposals you passed, only ONE fit the bill and was passed into law? Tell me, which one was it? Refresh the minds of our views.

TS: That would be the right to display the 10 Commandments in the Troika mansion.

RH: You’re telling me that you have the finger on the pulse of the CUP when you pass one bill that didn’t even really have the interest of your constituents? Only 15% of this part even knew you had passed it. You really have the finger on the pulse of the CUP? That’s a lie, and you know it! [Gasps and applause.]

Moderator: Ron Howling, then why should you win the nomination?

RH: The fact of the matter is: Ms. Smith here is the very example of why the system is broken. We’ve had 17 issues passed before us, none of which was something any majority would agree with, all proposed by Ms. Smith. It’s good for numbers, to be sure, but her proposals were a distraction and a nuisance when this stuff was placed before us. Describe the Cybersecurity Bill for us, will you?

TS: It was a bill I proposed that would give the government access to all computers in the event of a cyber attack.

RH: And do you realize we don’t even have the technology to do that, much let alone effectively? And to what end? Do you even value our citizens’ privacy? I think not! [Applause rising] You are the very epitome of what is wrong with our party and our nation. You show no understanding for the challenges that face our citizens, our party, and our role in the world!

Moderator: Tamara Wolson?

TW: I believe that I can do a far more effective job than either Ms. Smith or Mr. Howling. I advocate moderation in finding a middle ground to all problems. I also advocate preservation of religion alongside fixing the system. I can do a better job than Mr. Howling did. Tell me, Mr. Howling, what position are you in the Senate?

RH: The whip.

TW: You’re telling me that you’re responsible for getting everyone in your party to get in line?

RH: That’s right. 

TW: And even with the Traditionalists, you could not get a bill’s debate to be ended? What sort of whip are you?

RH: My job is--

TW: Done very inefficiently and ineffectively [Applause].

RH: Well, what’s your job?

TW: I am a Senatorial Freshman.

RH: So you’re telling me that we should put our trust in someone who’s only been there a year? 

TW: Well, I--

RH: You’re telling me that you have the experience to be a whip?

TW: Well, I--

RH: And you’ve definitely experienced proposing legislation?

TW: Well, no [gasps].

RH: That settles that.

Moderator: And finally, Rob Volker?

RV: I have come within 100 votes of being able to take out a UPF member and have us gain seats. I am wildly popular. 

RH: Wait a minute...when did you run? What level?

RV: Senate primary.

RH: And how many times?

RV: 4.

RH: And you won?

RV: Well, no.

RH: And you’re telling me that you’re not even popular enough in your own party’s district, so you’re going to run for President? What sort of baloney is that? [Applause]

RV: I’ve refined my stances since then...

TS: And you still sound like you’re a racist. [Applause]

Moderator: With that note, we will conclude our debate. Join us next week, won’t you, when we discuss civil liberties. Until then, thank you and goodbye from MNN! 

Issues of Each District

Issues of each District:

District A:
District A is a “poor” district consisting of Giant Mantises living and frolicking in the woods. They build their own huts and have their own economy: bartering. Children go to school in the nation’s capital in exchange for a discount on the goods they grow in the forest. Their blood is also valuable as it can cure many a disease. CUP has often misunderstood the mantises, seeing them only as a blood farm at times, despite them being first-class citizens. District A typically go for the TPG, or as they call it, the Traditionalists. 

District B:
District B is home to high schools and middle schools on one side of the city and heavy industry on the other, with markets in between. The main problem with this district is that there are no permanent residents; instead, to be represented and vote as a member of this district, one has to be a business owner, school teacher, or factory owner, and present their credentials as such when they vote in their home district. There is no President hailing from this district, though a special advisor to the Troika (the three presidents) is elected yearly. District B is split between the CUP and the UPF. 

District C:
District C is home to the wealth individuals. Typically, these are white-collar workers and business owners. Their main issue is that the district is slowly becoming more crowded and that the trickle from District C to District D is slowly tapering. In fact, it is reversing, meaning that District D is becoming slightly wealthier, and District C is becoming slightly poorer. Those that live here seek a first-rate education for their young ones and first-class healthcare system. District C residents typically like CUPers. 

District D:
District D is home to the blue-collar workers and, in some cases, the working poor. Typically, they are worse-educated, and have no health insurance. These are the main issues. District residents typically like UPFers. 

Political Groups existing in Mutanatia (MNN Flash)

(Just for the record, this is a fiction blog...just in case someone gets confused...I should hope Giant Mantises tipped them off :P )

Throughout the election and into the next year of Mutanatia, you will see MNN flashes. MNN is the flagship station of Mutanatia whose full name is "Mutant News Network."

---MNN Flash---

As election season gets underway, here are the four main political groups to keep an eye on. First is the United Progressivist Front. Joyce Kearms has the report.

The United Progressivist Front has a few main planks in its platform. Since this year's election is going to be all about education and healthcare, the areas that many argue the country needs to improve the most, we thought we'd list those out first. Just a reminder, that as always, the UPF wants to an end to religion because it feels it holds society back.

For education, the United Progressivist front wants mainly reform and development in the system. It wants to drive down the cost of college, while fostering, as they call it, "homegrown" education at Mutanatia's State University. It does remind the public, however, that it is still in favor of studying abroad.

For healthcare, the UPF states that healthcare is its number one priority. It seeks establishment of state-run health care, while setting up a system whereby immigrants (not citizens) who can not pay for their health care must volunteer at an emergency clinic or other health-related facility until the debt is forgiven. It also wants a state fund for citizens who are too poor, currently, for complete healthcare coverage. In order do this, the party acknowledges that it must drive up the quality of healthcare while driving down the cost of healthcare before the system is implemented.

We now go to Chuck Barris for the flip side of the coin.

----MNN Flash----
The Conservatives United Party, or CUP, in contrast to the UPF, seeks full preservation of all religion and also wants an established state religion, as well as the outlawing of all practices not consistent with the religion that would be established if it were. It also believes in the preservation of the free press.

The CUP is often derided by the UPF as "small on education, big on ideas." There really is no existing party plank in their platform to deal with what some call the "challenges" of Mutanatia's educational system.

Rather, the CUP focuses on healthcare mainly. Their plank has been known for leaving a sour taste in some mouths. Generally, the CUP believes that health insurance should be left up to businesses and the individuals. Those that do not have health insurance will not get any treatment at all.

As you can see, the CUP is largely seen as a "check" on the the UPF. The two parties are almost always in conflict with each other.

We go now to Lemothda Barist with the most religious party on the ticket right now.

---MNN Flash--

The Kvenetics for a Better World, or KBW, largely have only one plank, and that one plank has to do with religion. All those in the party have of the Kvinet, Mutanatia's traditional religion. They all vow to preserve their religion. To a degree, they are a subset of the CUP, but remain independent. They believe that scientific progress can undermine. their religion. The one educational plank they have is that they are in favor of educational "faith-based initiatives." Their motto is simple: "Life, liberty, and the preservation of environment." To that end, they want to halt all space exploration, ban sex education, and ban abortion. Now to Make Wotherby with the third party with the largest membership in the Senate.

---MNN Flash---
The Traditionalist Preservation Focus Group, or TFG, is one of the more forward-thinking third parties in the nation. They stand for tradition and were founded several millennia ago. Their educational policies and healthcare policies are outlined below.

For education, it acknowledges that there are needs for advances in science, but they also argue for the preservation of religion. Education should be homeschooling. They also believe in advancement for literacy.

Healthcare is a different story. If the patient is uninsured, he or she should be given homeopathic remade. Medicine, healthcare, and so on, should be reserved for citizens only. They also advocate the return of house alls for doctors with the state reimbursing their travels. They are for abortion (though they frown on it) but are against contraception.

The TFG are often seen as allying themselves with the KBW, sometimes CUP, but rarely the UPF.

Over to Tom Fabregas with the Senate breakdown.

---MNN Flash---
There are 40 members of the Senate, 10 from each district. 4 are from the KBW, up 1 from last year. 9 are from the TPF, which is the same as last year. 11 are from the CUP, up 3, and 16 are from the UPF, down 4 from last year. Remember, in order to have any blockade on legislation liften, there have to be 36 members. On a good day, the UPF is 16-11-9-4. On a bad day, they lose legislation, 24-16. They are clearly hankering for seats as this election kicks into high gear.

---End MNN Flash---

Opening Post

This is the main page for the fictitious country of Mutanatia. The country is in the middle of an election right now. The first couple of posts will be background information and so on. The country is split into 4 districts, each with their own demographics. Sentient Giant Mantises live primarily in District A, the business/manufacturing section is in District B, District C is the wealthier district, and District D is primarily the the blue-collar district. The capital of the nation is in the center of it all, and is known as Mantesco. 

There was a war a long time ago, which resulted in the two countries, Mutanatia and Archaeologia, merging into one nation. Mutanatians primarily live in District C; Archaeologians in District D. 

For the next few updates, I will be discussing the various issues that confront each district. First, though, I want to describe the system of government.

The government of Mutanatia has a Senate (10 Senators per district) as well as three Presidents. Presidents can shape foreign affairs as well as domestic agenda; however, in order for something to be enacted into law, two of the three Presidents must agree. As far as foreign policy, again, two out of three presidents must agree--but it must be unanimous for the country to go to war. 

There is also a Supreme Court Justice (1) that is elected every time the Presidents are elected (once every year). The Supreme Court Justice acts independently of the Presidents. 

In the Constitution, there is also an “Unjustified War Clause,” which states that the Presidents must submit, in writing, why they will any involvement in any war is justified, to the Justice, who then must ratify the war. 

Besides that, the government has election laws so that each candidate will get equal time on the airwaves.

Finally, there is the issue of how votes are counted: Each District that is permanently inhabited (A, C, and D) gets their own President; District B receives an advisor to the Presidency. When the voting is conducted, each District has one week to vote. 

More laws will be brought forth as this goes forward. For the next update, I will be discussing the issues that confront each District.