Wednesday, July 17, 2013

First United Progressivist Front Debate

Moderator: Hello and welcome to the first of two debates of the United Progressivists Front's party. Joining me, to my right and going in that direction, is last year's nominee, Brad Watkins. Next is a 2-term Senator, Shawna Davis. After that is a 1-term senator, Warren Portal. Finally, we have our newest debater, a 6-month Senator, Jantis Bond. Welcome to all. We have 3 topics to cover: Education, Religion, and Laws. We'll begin with laws first. What law would you change and why?

Brad Watkins (BW): I would stop media from trying to influence our legal system. Trial by media doesn't deserve a place in our society.

Jantis Bond (JB): Well, that would run afoul of the Constitution.

BW: When something denigrates society, we must change it!

Shawna Davis (SD): I would outlaw mantis blood donation. [Gasps]

JB: Speaking as a mantis-hman hybrid who would not be here today should such a program not exist, that idea has no merit.


Warren Portal: I would outlaw religion.

JB: I would outlaw the inertia in the Senate. Either change the law so a bill can be killed easier, or limit the type of proposals we can make! [Applause]

Moderator: Next question: Should we outlaw religion?

BW: Yes.

SD: Yes.

WP: Yes.

JB: No. [Gasps] By making more public the evils of religion...religion will die out on its own accord!

Moderator: Final question: How should we overhaul the education system?

BW: Kill the religious programs.


SD: Shut down the Mutant University. It is beyond repair and saving.

WP: Privatize secondary and elementary education!

JB: No, No, No! I advocate an entire overhaul of both private and public education. Keep what works and get rid of what doesn't!

Moderator: This concludes our first UPF debate!

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