Saturday, June 1, 2013

Political Groups existing in Mutanatia (MNN Flash)

(Just for the record, this is a fiction blog...just in case someone gets confused...I should hope Giant Mantises tipped them off :P )

Throughout the election and into the next year of Mutanatia, you will see MNN flashes. MNN is the flagship station of Mutanatia whose full name is "Mutant News Network."

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As election season gets underway, here are the four main political groups to keep an eye on. First is the United Progressivist Front. Joyce Kearms has the report.

The United Progressivist Front has a few main planks in its platform. Since this year's election is going to be all about education and healthcare, the areas that many argue the country needs to improve the most, we thought we'd list those out first. Just a reminder, that as always, the UPF wants to an end to religion because it feels it holds society back.

For education, the United Progressivist front wants mainly reform and development in the system. It wants to drive down the cost of college, while fostering, as they call it, "homegrown" education at Mutanatia's State University. It does remind the public, however, that it is still in favor of studying abroad.

For healthcare, the UPF states that healthcare is its number one priority. It seeks establishment of state-run health care, while setting up a system whereby immigrants (not citizens) who can not pay for their health care must volunteer at an emergency clinic or other health-related facility until the debt is forgiven. It also wants a state fund for citizens who are too poor, currently, for complete healthcare coverage. In order do this, the party acknowledges that it must drive up the quality of healthcare while driving down the cost of healthcare before the system is implemented.

We now go to Chuck Barris for the flip side of the coin.

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The Conservatives United Party, or CUP, in contrast to the UPF, seeks full preservation of all religion and also wants an established state religion, as well as the outlawing of all practices not consistent with the religion that would be established if it were. It also believes in the preservation of the free press.

The CUP is often derided by the UPF as "small on education, big on ideas." There really is no existing party plank in their platform to deal with what some call the "challenges" of Mutanatia's educational system.

Rather, the CUP focuses on healthcare mainly. Their plank has been known for leaving a sour taste in some mouths. Generally, the CUP believes that health insurance should be left up to businesses and the individuals. Those that do not have health insurance will not get any treatment at all.

As you can see, the CUP is largely seen as a "check" on the the UPF. The two parties are almost always in conflict with each other.

We go now to Lemothda Barist with the most religious party on the ticket right now.

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The Kvenetics for a Better World, or KBW, largely have only one plank, and that one plank has to do with religion. All those in the party have of the Kvinet, Mutanatia's traditional religion. They all vow to preserve their religion. To a degree, they are a subset of the CUP, but remain independent. They believe that scientific progress can undermine. their religion. The one educational plank they have is that they are in favor of educational "faith-based initiatives." Their motto is simple: "Life, liberty, and the preservation of environment." To that end, they want to halt all space exploration, ban sex education, and ban abortion. Now to Make Wotherby with the third party with the largest membership in the Senate.

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The Traditionalist Preservation Focus Group, or TFG, is one of the more forward-thinking third parties in the nation. They stand for tradition and were founded several millennia ago. Their educational policies and healthcare policies are outlined below.

For education, it acknowledges that there are needs for advances in science, but they also argue for the preservation of religion. Education should be homeschooling. They also believe in advancement for literacy.

Healthcare is a different story. If the patient is uninsured, he or she should be given homeopathic remade. Medicine, healthcare, and so on, should be reserved for citizens only. They also advocate the return of house alls for doctors with the state reimbursing their travels. They are for abortion (though they frown on it) but are against contraception.

The TFG are often seen as allying themselves with the KBW, sometimes CUP, but rarely the UPF.

Over to Tom Fabregas with the Senate breakdown.

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There are 40 members of the Senate, 10 from each district. 4 are from the KBW, up 1 from last year. 9 are from the TPF, which is the same as last year. 11 are from the CUP, up 3, and 16 are from the UPF, down 4 from last year. Remember, in order to have any blockade on legislation liften, there have to be 36 members. On a good day, the UPF is 16-11-9-4. On a bad day, they lose legislation, 24-16. They are clearly hankering for seats as this election kicks into high gear.

---End MNN Flash---

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